The Baltimore Jewelry Center is a non-profit metals + jewelry makerspace in Baltimore city.

We offer classes, workshops, and studio rental access to anyone with an interest in contemporary jewelry-making.


The Baltimore Jewelry Center is an educational nonprofit building a vibrant creative community for the study and practice of metalsmithing and art jewelry. We educate and inspire new and established artists, as well as promote metalsmithing and art jewelry to the general public through exhibitions, community and educational outreach.


We envision Baltimore reconnected to its rich history of metalsmithing and jewelry, valuing contemporary art jewelry and metalsmithing as visual art forms and craft. New generations of metalsmiths and art jewelers will preserve and evolve the field through practice and education.


Programming at the Baltimore Jewelry Center is made possible by the generous support of donors and the following foundations: the Windgate Charitable Foundation, the Maryland State Arts Council, the John and Robyn Horn Foundation, the Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation, the Allegis Group Foundation, and the Baltimore City Kiwanis Trust.

Our Board of Directors

Meet the Staff and Instructors