Baltimore Jewelry Center Studio Rental

Regular Rate

Unlimited Monthly: $260/mo

Studio access during all open hours without requiring you to be enrolled in a class. To rent, you need to have satisfactorily completed a class at the Baltimore Jewelry Center or the MICA Jewelry Center or have equivalent experience.

Unlimited Semi-Private Monthly: $330/mo*

Access to the studio during all open hours as well as your own locking bench.

*Semi-private renters are required to sign up for at least 6 months of rental

BJC Student Rate

Unlimited Monthly: $155/mo ($465 for an entire 12 week class)

The option for students who do not have a complete home studio and need to do their classwork in the studio.

Unlimited Semi-Private Monthly: $220/mo*

Access to the studio during all open hours as well as your own locking bench.

*Semi-private renters are required to sign up for at least 6 months of rental

Weekly/Hourly Rental Options:

  • 1 hour of access: $14

  • 1 week of access: $75

  • 12 hours of access: $130

Open Hours

  • Monday 1:00pm – 10:00pm

  • Tuesday 1:00pm – 10:00pm

  • Wednesday 10:00am – 10:00pm

  • Thursday 10:00am – 10:00pm

  • Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm

  • Saturday 12:00pm – 6:00pm

  • Sunday 12:00pm – 6:00pm

Studio Phone (410) 243-0479

There will always be a studio technician on duty during open hours to assist you with your work.


There are a variety of metered and free parking spaces on the streets surrounding the BJC, including North Ave., Charles St., St. Paul, & 20th St.

Classes at the Baltimore Jewelry Center require a considerable commitment of work time outside of class (5 hours or more a week). You will get the most out of your class experience by having full access to a jewelry studio. To rent, you need to be enrolled in a class or have satisfactorily completed an introductory class at the Baltimore Jewelry Center or the MICA Jewelry Center (or an equivalent class at another institution); in some cases, you may be asked to demonstrate competency with equipment before using the studio. For further information, contact us directly at or (410) 243-0479.

The Baltimore Jewelry Center will announce any closings due to inclement weather via email and social media. We will do our best to inform students and renters of any changes to our schedule before opening hours. The Baltimore Jewelry Center looks to local colleges, universities, and school systems when determining whether the studio will be closed due to inclement weather.